Rappresentazione: Mito di Efesto
narrator (narratore)
a friend
Era (Efesto' mother)
Zeus (Efesto's father)
narrator: ok, let’s start. Ask him what his name is!
Boy: ciao. Come ti chiami?
Efesto: my name is Efesto!
Boy: ah! E perché dici che sei fesso?
Efesto: fesso? No, I’m not “fesso” my name is E-F-E-S-T-O EFESTO! Do you Understand?
Boy: ah. Understand, understand. E i tuoi genitori come si chiamano?
Efesto: Era and Zeus
Boy: ah. Tuo padre era Zeus. Perché, è morto?
Efesto: no, he is not dead. He is still alive. He is alive, not dead!
Narrator: now talk about your mother
Efesto: when I was born, I was so ugly that my mother threw me down the Olympus and I rolled down the hillside. I rolled down all the day long
Boy: ah! Bella roba tua madre. E poi cosa è successo?
Efesto: I fell into the sea and some Nynphs took me to Lemno Isle and grew me.
Boy: ah, ecco perché sei storpio!
Efesto: Lemno was a Volcanic Isle, and I was charmed by the fire.
I used to spend a long time in the Etna and make guns and ornaments for Gods
Boy: ah! Ho sentito parlare di un Dio che lavorava il ferro nel cratere del Vulcano. Ma allora sei tu il Dio del Fuoco?
Efesto: yes! I am the God of Fire!
Boy: poverino. Certo però che sei brutto assai… e storpio!
Efesto: it was my mother’s fault. But I will take vengeange of it.
(…to be continued)