China. Tienanman 1989

On April 18th  1989 some students took possession of Piazza Tienanmen (the place of the celestial peace) which is the main place in Beijing.
they protested against the Communist Government and asked freedom and democracy.
They built a statue like the one in New York representing LIBERTY.
The government banned the local and international  press to speak about the students’ protest on Tienanman Place.
On june 3rd  the Chinese Army tried to move people away from the place. After 20 days of pacific protest the government replied with the army. They arrived from different streets ( Jangou Men Nei Da jie- the street of the Eternal Peace) with tanks and guns and they shot on the people killing at least 50 people and blessing many others



What happened on April 18th 1989?


On April 18th 1989 some students took possession of Piazza Tienanmen


Where is piazza Tienanmen?


Piazza Tienanmen (the place of the celestial peace) is the main place in Beijing.


Why did students gather in piazza Tienanman?


they protested against the communist government and asked freedom and democracy.


What did students  build in piazza Tienanmen?


They built a statue like the one in New York representing LIBERTY.


What did the government do?


 The government banned the local and international  press to speak about the students’ protest on Tienanmen Place.